Thank you for finding me here!
I am publishing my site while it is a work in progress, so that we can interact, and I can learn the best way to serve you.
People have been asking how to find me for the past year, so VOILA! ..this is the place.
My focus is on medicinal foods, and my goal is to empower those who are committed, to learning ways that they can create a life to thrive in, rather than just surviving.
There is a difference in being interested in doing better, and feeling better, and being totally committed to consistently making the highest choices for yourself. I'm not hinting at some sort of perfection, but the desire to always reach for the next highest vibration, whether it be a feeling, thought, food, exercise, or rest...it all nourishes you, and each choice you make is either towards life, or death. So, choose wisely. Life begets life. The more consistent you are, the more aligned you will be, and you will find yourself in a journey of joy, gratitude and appreciation, and THRIVING, as you begin living the life your higher self, and your source, desires for you, and the planet.
I am publishing my site while it is a work in progress, so that we can interact, and I can learn the best way to serve you.
People have been asking how to find me for the past year, so VOILA! ..this is the place.
My focus is on medicinal foods, and my goal is to empower those who are committed, to learning ways that they can create a life to thrive in, rather than just surviving.
There is a difference in being interested in doing better, and feeling better, and being totally committed to consistently making the highest choices for yourself. I'm not hinting at some sort of perfection, but the desire to always reach for the next highest vibration, whether it be a feeling, thought, food, exercise, or rest...it all nourishes you, and each choice you make is either towards life, or death. So, choose wisely. Life begets life. The more consistent you are, the more aligned you will be, and you will find yourself in a journey of joy, gratitude and appreciation, and THRIVING, as you begin living the life your higher self, and your source, desires for you, and the planet.
Disclaimer: Materials, techniques and information shared on Food To Thrive On website, and in demos/classes, are provided for informational purposes only and must not be construed as personal medical advice. Before making any changes, participants should consult their healthcare providers or seek medical advice.